This isn't about our family, but still will make you laugh! I'm so thankful for the opportunity to stay at home and raise our kids, but I will miss my other 'kids' from school. When working with teenagers and teaching them reading/writing, you never really know how the day will go or what will come out of their mouths. I kept track of some of the highlights of my 4 years with 9th and 11th graders.
On Shakespeare:
They had metaphors back then?
Me: What do you already know about Shakespeare?
Student: He was poisoned and died on stage.
Me: Close, that's Romeo, a character.
S: No, pretty sure that was Shakespeare.
If Shakespeare is so old, how do we still know about him? Was he writing plays on cave walls?
Me: If you were Romeo, would you choose your family or your woman?
S: I'd go Dragon Ball Z and take everyone out, I don't need anyone.
He's dead?!? Tell me he's not, he's stupid! What kind of movies are you showin us?
You know what I want, just give it to me...I was appropriate, I didn't use bad words.
That girl can't even do her own hair and she be walkin' her tail to school like she is all that! Then she had the nerve to hit on MY man...she's lucky I didn't beat her down right then and there.
Me: Well, I think it's about time we call your parents to talk to them about the choices you've made in class today.
S: Wanna bet?
Sorry, sorry, sorry. Want me to spell it for you? SORRIE!
You really need MY luck for your FAKE game tonight?? Brotha, please!
I'm rockin' crocks today y' more of this socks with flip flops! (Insert male model walk)
You heartless WENCH! (I wouldn't accept his assignment 2.5 weeks late.)
Can I get extra credit if I get a fleet of freshmen to follow me around for a week?
What do you say??
S1: Mrs G, is it bad that D doesn't even know how to say his girlfriend's name?
(D keeps mumbling something, which was apparently his girlfriend's name)
S2: Just give her a nickname, like 'Boo Boo.'
Guess what I did on my day off yesterday? I built a igloo for my dog!
Me: We have a tornado drill at 2:00 today, don't get scared by the alarm.
S: But it's FREEZING outside, do we really have to go?
I'm writing my breakup letter to Oprah; she's going to be really sorry she screwed me over!
Glitter is the herpes of makeup, it never goes away!
After a discussion about 'real' men and women with juniors, the first the gals listed as a characteristic of a man was "education." The guys on real women: "Makes me a sammich."
They mess with me, too:
Mrs. Gilbert, there is Swine Flu in your trash can. (I'm ashamed to admit I looked.)
That picture was taken in 2001? That was SOOO long ago!
While comparing bicep buffness..."Wow Mrs. Gilbert, you're a beefcake!"
Hey Ms. G, do you want to be in my zombie movie?
There's plenty more, but I have lost them for now. Teaching is many things, but it is never dull!
We are a growing military family on the go. Check out our blog to see what we've been up to!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Boy Gilbert's Beginnings - Now

Boy Gilbert doesn't have a name yet. I think once Keith and I do decide on a name, we'll probably still keep it to ourselves until he makes his arrival in mid-January.
Here's the story of how Keith and I found out we were pregnant:
While visiting Kansas for Laura's KSU graduation in May, I spent a lot of time riding in the back seat of Amanda's van. (Thanks for hauling us though, Amanda!) Sometimes I felt nauseous, and sometimes I didn't. I attributed it to riding in the back. I noticed my hunger levels were finnicky, which isn't unusual when you're traveling. I was a little 'late' by a couple of days, but nothing that made me think about being pregnant. In general, I enjoy taking naps - so that wasn't a sign to anyone either that something was up.
Since we were trying to get pregnant, Keith suggested I take a test once we were back home in Georgia. This was the first month I had tried an ovulation test and honestly didn't think it had really happened. Lo and behold, 3 minutes later there were 2 unmistakable lines! After showing Keith, I took the 3 other dollar store tests just to make sure. Then we went and got a fancy digital test too - so we could make sure some more. They all said the same thing!
Keith and I kind of sat on the news for a while. Of course we were excited, but wanted to wait until we were safely into the 2nd trimester to share with everyone. We waited for official confirmation from the doctor before sharing the news with family. She told us the same thing - we are officially pregnant!
Boy Gilbert has been very good to me! I got a little nauseous (mostly in the Georgia heat), but no morning sickness. I may be a little hormonal, though Keith may think it's a bit more than 'a little.' :) I have wicked, wicked heartburn, but it's soothed by my Nexium and Tums. Oh, and Round Ligament Pain, which isn't really his fault. I nap a little more often too. That's it!
More milestones:
10 weeks: We first "saw" him on an ultrasound! He was really more a blob with a flashing light for a heartbeat. Keith was excited to be called "Dad" by the tech!
12 weeks: In early July, we announced publically and to the world of Facebook that we were pregnant! The post read: It's official...Keith and I are expanding our house by 2 feet in January!
16 weeks: We got to see him again since he was moving too much to get an accurate heartbeat read with the dopplar. Keith got to be there with me for that appointment too, which is where we saw an actual baby-shaped object on the screen with kicking legs! I love that Keith is just as excited as I am and asked if I could feel his little kicks. I couldn't at the time, but it was coming!
17/18 weeks: Baby flutters could be felt!
20 weeks: Baby G is definitely Boy Gilbert! Pressure officially off of Keith for continuing the Gilbert name. The best response came from Rex, Keith's dad, "Well Grandpa will be ****ing thrilled!"
::Insert move from Georgia to Kansas here. It's now a blur, which is why there are no 'milestones' to report.
23 weeks: Boy Gilbert kicks Keith in the bum while we're snuggling! They're definitely kicks and no longer flutters.
24 weeks: Strangers now know I'm pregnant and not just chubby looking. This is a relief because they've stopped giving me funny looks, which seriously affected my hormonal self.
28 weeks: Where I'm at now. Boy Gilbert is now 2.5 times bigger than he was in the U/S pic, and boy do I feel it! He must be a little cramped too, which is why he's stretching, rolling, and jabbing at miscellaneous internal organs.
(I'm re-starting this blog for like the 3rd time since Keith and I got married. Instead of introductions, I'm just going to pretend like I've been blogging for a long time!)
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