Ryan has also been treating those around him to fits of giggles instead of the occasional one. Uncle Scott and I must be pretty funny looking as we only need to look in his direction before he starts. Grandma Cullison at least has to do something in order for him to cut up.
While in Iowa, Lucy split a nail down to the quick. It helps that it's that extra one that doesn't touch the ground, which means she's not limping or anything. When she would lay down though, she would go to town licking it. Lucy wouldn't let the groomer get to it so we went to the vet on Saturday. The vet snipped it right off and told me not to let her lick it. Ha! Lucy not lick something? We ended up with a "Cone of Shame."
This poor, pathetic dog. The vet said it takes about three days for a dog to get used to it, I'm thinking it may take Lucy a bit longer. The first sign of trouble was leaving the vet office. Lucy kept bumping into the door frame and seemed to panic that she wasn't able to leave. I guided her, by the cone, to the car where I had to lift her inside.
It did not get better once we were home. Lucy's first obstacle was the couch. She couldn't maneuver her to way a favorite resting place by the window since the stupid couch was in the way. After bumping into it a few times, she just stood there with her tail between her legs. I helped her a few times, but it seemed like any time she would encounter something, she would just stand there in a very sad way.
On a brighter note, I think her paw feels much better! Ryan also thinks Lucy is *hysterical* in this new contraption. He intently watches a coneless Lucy wander around the house; but with the cone, he smiles, laughs, and makes excited noises.