This isn't about our family, but still will make you laugh! I'm so thankful for the opportunity to stay at home and raise our kids, but I will miss my other 'kids' from school. When working with teenagers and teaching them reading/writing, you never really know how the day will go or what will come out of their mouths. I kept track of some of the highlights of my 4 years with 9th and 11th graders.
On Shakespeare:They had metaphors back then?
Me: What do you already know about Shakespeare?
Student: He was poisoned and died on stage.
Me: Close, that's Romeo, a character.
S: No, pretty sure that was Shakespeare.
If Shakespeare is so old, how do we still know about him? Was he writing plays on cave walls?
Me: If you were Romeo, would you choose your family or your woman?
S: I'd go Dragon Ball Z and take everyone out, I don't need anyone.
He's dead?!? Tell me he's not, he's stupid! What kind of movies are you showin us?
Sassiness:You know what I want, just give it to me...I was appropriate, I didn't use bad words.
That girl can't even do her own hair and she be walkin' her tail to school like she is all that! Then she had the nerve to hit on MY man...she's lucky I didn't beat her down right then and there.
Me: Well, I think it's about time we call your parents to talk to them about the choices you've made in class today.
S: Wanna bet?
Sorry, sorry, sorry. Want me to spell it for you? SORRIE!
You really need MY luck for your FAKE game tonight?? Brotha, please!
I'm rockin' crocks today y' more of this socks with flip flops! (Insert male model walk)
You heartless WENCH! (I wouldn't accept his assignment 2.5 weeks late.)
Can I get extra credit if I get a fleet of freshmen to follow me around for a week?
What do you say??S1: Mrs G, is it bad that D doesn't even know how to say his girlfriend's name?
(D keeps mumbling something, which was apparently his girlfriend's name)
S2: Just give her a nickname, like 'Boo Boo.'
Guess what I did on my day off yesterday? I built a igloo for my dog!
Me: We have a tornado drill at 2:00 today, don't get scared by the alarm.
S: But it's FREEZING outside, do we really have to go?
I'm writing my breakup letter to Oprah; she's going to be really sorry she screwed me over!
Glitter is the herpes of makeup, it never goes away!
After a discussion about 'real' men and women with juniors, the first the gals listed as a characteristic of a man was "education." The guys on real women: "Makes me a sammich."
They mess with me, too:Mrs. Gilbert, there is Swine Flu in your trash can. (I'm ashamed to admit I looked.)
That picture was taken in 2001? That was SOOO long ago!
While comparing bicep buffness..."Wow Mrs. Gilbert, you're a beefcake!"
Hey Ms. G, do you want to be in my zombie movie?
There's plenty more, but I have lost them for now. Teaching is many things, but it is never dull!