I get to fall in love with my husband over and over again.
Seeing him in the Colorado Springs airport after 8 months of his Iraq deployment was just great! (See pic captioned 'R&R 2009' on the side) I only had 2 weeks with him, but they were pretty awesome. Then when he came home for good 4 months after that...there are no words. Seeing pictures from that day or hearing the Toby Keith song (playing when they walked in) on the radio will bring on the tears as those memories come rushing back.
His year-long deployment, and of course those month-long training exercises, give me a chance to truly miss him. It deepens my appreciation of what he does around the house on a day-to-day basis, both big and small.
Here are some pics of MY "battle buddies" with their husbands on redeployment day:
Keith and I

Sheri and Todd

Christy and Ryan

Leslie and Jake

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