My parents came down from Iowa the day I was induced. They were at the hospital with us during the day time and headed to our home to care for Lucy at night. (I was also much appreciative of the Chipotle they brought me for lunch once I could eat real food!) It was nice to have their company, and it gave Keith a chance to take small breaks every once in a while too. Ryan is their first grandchild.
Ryan then got to meet his Aunt Amanda and cousins Kyle, Owen, and Madilyn (who is 3 months older than Ryan) when they came in from Tennessee. Amanda was a HUGE help and great company while she was here, and we are still enjoying the freezer meals she made for us.
Keith's parents arrived next from Colorado! They too helped out a lot with cooking, entertaining the kids, running errands, and driving Ryan and I to appointments when Keith was at work.
(How did I miss getting a pic of Grandpa G with Ryan?! Once I get one, I'll post it here.)
Aunt Laura then came to visit from Salina! Laura was a big help with everything too! Here she is with her niece and 3 nephews.
Since Keith had to head back to work, and the Gilberts had to head back home/to work, my mom came back to our house for two days to help some more. We're so lucky to have family within driving distance - especially being a military family! All of their visits and help meant that my first solo day home with Ryan didn't happen until Ryan was almost 2 weeks old. That was kind of a scary thing, but we both survived!
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