Thursday, December 15, 2011

Watch Dog

Sometimes I'm not convinced Lucy is a real dog. Besides snuggling, her favorite activity is to look out the window. She doesn't prefer to play or explore the outdoors (unless we're with her), but she is frequently found doing this:

It seems she just enjoys observing nature rather than be in it. The ledge is at the perfect height for her to rest her chin on it, so she seems rather comfortable. Mostly it's at random, but lately I've noticed that she does this when the neighborhood kids are getting on/off the school bus and when she thinks Keith should be coming home from work.

Maybe someday I'll time it right to video her when she sees Keith coming home from work. It's sweet to see how excited she gets when she sees the car...she'll go bananas looking for her toy, then run from the window to the door and back again. Once he's in the door, she turns into a cat and starts running in circles around him while rubbing up against him.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Keith and I are so blessed with generous family and friends. It started with Amanda (sister) and Haley (friend) who both gave us a bunch of clothes, socks, hats, etc. from their boys. They have 2 boys each, which means Baby G now owns 4 boys worth of clothes!

The first weekend of December we headed to Iowa for a baby shower my mom and friend Lisa threw for us. Everything was wonderful and it was great to see everyone who was able to come! My favorite part was that guests were asked to bring children's books in lieu of a card, meaning that the sweet messages will last much longer! We now have quite the collection of books for Baby G.

**Side note: Since Keith will deploy late Spring/early Summer, we will record him reading these books to keep Baby G familiar with his voice.

Furniture has now been ordered and things are arriving! His room is still a mess of randomness for now, but it will come together soon!