Friday, May 18, 2012

D Day 2012

Deployment Day 2012.  It still doesn't seem real, though I know it will sink in eventually. 

This will be different - not better or worse - because of having Ryan.  One positive is that communication should be much improved this time, and having a fancy-pants phone means I won't miss Keith's IMs/e-mails/Skypes if I'm out and about. 

We spent the days leading up to D Day preparing.  Love notes, honey-do lists, pics, and videos were exchanged.  My favorite thing is that we recorded Keith reading books to Ryan, so now we will incorporate story time with dad into our go-to-bed routine. 

I've been impressed with what's out there to support the children of soldiers who are deployed.  Operation Gratitude provided a bear in uniform with a place for a pic of Keith to go for cuddles during these next months.  We also got a backpack filled with goodies for Ryan, namely a Daddy Doll.  We also sent in a pic of Keith to be made into a Flat Daddy.  This by far will be my most favorite thing.  Once Flat Keith arrives the adventures will begin!  ( and

I do have an address, so if you're interested in sending Keith something let me know! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Reality Stinks

Watch as Ryan realizes he only has two hands...that he won't be able to hang onto a giraffe, a teething toy, and a foot all at the same time.  (And how cute are those football leg warmers?!  Keith is not a fan.)

By this point he had TOSSED both toys to the ground and pitched a fit.  I feel like this shouldn't happen in 3 months of life, but Ryan is making his own choices about that.  Clearly.  A feeding and a nap soon followed this little episode.  :)

New Gilbert Family Pics

Posts have been a little lacking lately. We have been spending time with family a lot before Keith leaves for Afghanistan.  While I wait to post more things, here are some of the pictures we took over Easter Weekend!