Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Weekend

A BIG thank you to Laura and Trever for hosting Easter! The whole Gilbert family got together in Salina for a long weekend. We went shooting, got some family pictures taken, and visited the zoo. Lots of fun and family time!

Meeting Uncle Steve was fun for both of them! Steve is a first-time uncle, but the dad of Ryan's 3 cousins.

Ryan's met Uncle Trever before, but this is the first pic of the two.

Kyle and Owen are so good with Ryan! I can't wait for him to get a little older, I'm sure he'll love playing with his cousins!

See how these two babies look the same size? Well, they are. Maddi is 5 1/2 months to Ryan's almost 3 months.

Ryan isn't grouchy, he's focusing on kicking his legs.

They probably won't like all the pics and videos of this moment when they're older. Oh well. :)

Owen was checking out what the Easter Bunny brought him.

Our Easter eggs! The first time they say "Mom" and "Dad" for Keith and I.

Kyle took a break from hunting eggs to smile for me!

Snuggle-Saurus and Magic Swings

Here is Ryan, our little Snuggle-saurus! (That's what his shirt says and it couldn't be more true.) This is a common pose for him now.

Lately he has been chucking his binx and opting for his fingers instead. Sometimes he gags himself but I bet he'll figure it out eventually. This is the most 'normal' way he sucks on his fingers too...usually his hand is fanned across his nose as he goes at his thumb.

Can you see the nice little bald spot on the side of his head? That's because he sleeps on his side, but he also prefers to rub his soft little head (not that I blame him, it is wonderfully soft).

One of our family friends in Iowa loaned us this swing, which I'm pretty sure is MAGICAL. See how peaceful he looks? That was not the case 5 minutes before this pic. Ryan was in the midst of an all-out, ugly meltdown. (Good thing he's tiny, I definitely got a left hook to the face.) Now he's back to being lovely - and asleep.

This swing can go side-to-side, around in a circle, or the normal front to back. It also can spin the mobile and play different sounds/music.

I'm SOO grateful!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I'm obsessed with Pinterest. It's so easy to browse at all of the pretty pictures and gather ideas while feeding Ryan, which is why my boards have been expanding lately. I've tried plenty of recipes - 90% are delightful - and just recently I've been playing with crafts.

I made a KSU themed rag wreath last summer:

A mini state plaque/string art for all the places we've lived - Fort Carson, Colorado:

Fort Benning, Georgia:

Fort Riley, Kansas"

I made the monogram G and the flower thing too:

It also helped me organize our medicine cabinet, but that makes for a boring pic. I'm also in the process of developing a Gilbert Family Binder with all of our important documents. As soon as I get a hole punch for my pretty folders, it will be finished! All of the important documents have been in a mini filing thing, but it's not pretty. Sometimes the top falls off too if you carry it like a normal person...not a good thing since it has important stuff like social security cards, orders, powers of attorney, etc. Go Pinterest!